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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  April 9, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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. i am wolf blitzer in "the situation room," you can tweet the show and follow us on instagram and facebook. erin burnett with "out front" starts now. >> plus, matt gaetz about to give his first public speech since we learned whether the justice department is looking into whether he had a sexual relationship with minors. the governor where the covid cases are surging, pleading for more vaccines. the administration is saying no. let's go "out front." tonight george floyd's death was
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a homicide. the medical medical examiner performed the autopsy on george floyd. dr. andrew baker telling the jury floyd had severe under lying heart disease. it was his interaction with chauvin caused him to rule the death as homicide. >> i don't know if we got to an account that mr. floyd had hyper tension heart disease. he has a hard that already needs more oxygen than a normal heart. it is limited in its ability to step up to provide more oxygen because of demand. the law enforcement subdue rest restraints just more than mr. floyd can take.
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>> that answer is while damming did give the defense an opening. >> your opinion both the heart disease as well as the history of hyper-tension and the drugs that were in his system played a role in mr. floyd's death? >> in my opinion, yes. >> so they played a role according to the medical examiner. that's something we have not heard from the prosecutions other medical experts. in the end, even with that, it did not change baker's rule. >> in terms of manner of death, you found then and do you standby today that the manner of death of mr. floyd was as you would call it homicide? >> yes. i would still classify as a homicide today. >> that's a crucial thing. still classified of the homicide eve eventhough the heart disease and hyper tension.
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sarah sidner is live outside in minneapolis. all of this and the complexity and the defense trying to jump in there. still the damming conclusion and the jury is taking in a lot of information today with medical witnesses. >> reporter: very clear information for the most part and we have to remember that the testimony today was particularly significant. why? because dr. baker is the only one to testify so far, the only one who can that he actually performed the autopsy on george floyd. all of the medical witnesses are looking at his work and other factors to determine what they think is the cause and manner of death. not dr. baker, he was clear of what he thought happened and killed george floyd. >> reporter: one of the most important witness in this case took the stand today. >> you conducted the autopsy on
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mr. floyd? >> i did. >> dr. andrew baker is the only person who testify that he did an autopsy on george floyd's body. he determined the cause and manner of death. >> the law enforcement subdue restraint and the neck impression was more than mr. floyd could take. >> reporter: is drugs or heart disease caused the death? >> it did not cause of the subdue of the neck restraint. >> reporter: without those two things done by derek chauvin and the other officers, mr. floyd would not have died. defense trying to poke holes, pointing out dr. baker did not include lack of oxygen or asphyxiation in the autopsy report. >> that's not something we see, pressure to the back of the neck explaining strangulation.
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>> asphyxiation. >> reporter: as for floyd's previous health conditions and dr drugs? >> the heart disease and history of hyper tension and the drugs in his system played a role in mr. floyd's death? >> in my opinion, yes. >> calling for dr. lindsey thomas. >> reporter: dr. thomas is unequivocal of how george floyd died. >> there is no evidence to suggest that he would have died that night except for the interaction of law enforcement. she agreed with the autopsy report that floyd's heart was enlarged and he had drugs in his system. >> do you find a person at home no struggle with the police, right? and a person does not have a what right hand problem and you
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find methamphetamine and fentanyl at this person's system at the level they are at, would you certify this as an overdose. >> again in the absence of any of these other realities, yes, i could consider that to be an overdose. >> reporter: on redirect she testifies that's not how george floyd died. the cause of death was the law enforcement subdue restraints and compression in the manner of death. >> reporter: and you will hear that phrase restraint and compression. we heard that many, many times over and over, erin. the only way for there to be restraint and compression in this particular case, that's what the prosecution is trying to say without that and their witnesses and george floyd would be with us still. you can see what the defense is trying to do here. they're trying to put the reasonable doubt in the mind of
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the jury, all they need is one person to have some kind of reasonable doubt in order to make this jury a hung jury. >> erin. >> sara, thank you very much. freddie gray died in police's custody and with me dr. judy, forensics. we heard the highly testimonies from the medical examiner saying derek chauvin's action played a role in floyd's death and ruling it a homicide. it is enough to get a conviction if prosecutors can prove chauvin's action were "substantial causal factor in floyd's death." >> these are unprecedented
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factors. we are seeing the nuances of the trial from start to finish. that does not happen in every state. the one thing that i can tell you that despite this murder that was depicted on camera. the defense tragedy is to stigmatize and criminalize and b blame the victim in his own death thchlt has been done with so many others. the problem they have, experts have used this video to definitively inform them moment by moment as to the cause and manner of floyd's death. this type of evidence does not always exist because it allows the prosecutors to do what they are doing which is to brilliantly anticipate and rebut every line of attack.
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>> you heard in our reporter's piece, sara, drugs were a contributing factor. dr. thomas made it clear. his death did not look like an overdose. the jury is now seeing videos of floyd minutes before his arrest, walking around the store and talking to employees. you know looking normal and people there describing him as he may seem a little high but normal and friendly. we heard him yelling out as the officer pinned him to the ground. when you look at all this, do you agree with the pathologist who testified today that this was not a fentanyl overdose in any way? >> i agree this is not a fentanyl overdose. this is not what a fentanyl overdose looks like. when people overdose from opioids, they are tired and they are sleepy. they're not walking around and talking. all of the videos and evidence
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show mr. floyd functioning normally supports the fact that he was not influenced by the fentanyl and probably because of his tolerance level. people who are used to taking opioid drugs either legally or illegally build up a tolerance to the drug. >> sitting there as a juror and even if you hear this, he had a severe heart disease and enlarged heart and a heavy heart and history of hyper-tension, you can hear all of those things played a role in floyd's death but that does not mean you can't vote to convict chauvin of murder, right? >> yes, prosecutor brilliantly rebutted every line of attack. this was why prosecutors brought up these other conditions, such
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as floyd's drug use and heart condition and hyper-tension. it was brought out. they want to be able to take the sting out of defense strategy and inform the jury. what the doctor stated. this is merely a contributing factor to floyd's death but the main and direct cause of floyd's death which we have now heard from three medical experts was the lack of oxygen due to the excessive restraint that was pulled on floyd's neck for 9 minutes and 30 seconds. >> medical examiner seems to under line his conditions did play a role in his death. that was a starke contrast from the testimony we heard from dr.
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tobin, a breathing expert, let me play the two. >> he has a heart that already needs more oxygen than a normal heart. it is limited in its ability to step up to provide more oxygen when there are demand because of the narrow in his coronary. >> mr. floyd -- >> one person is saying a healthy person would have died of this. the other sort of implies because of all his under lying conditions, he was particularly vulnerable. what do you make of these two-points? >> they're both equally valid points, they're not contradictory. healthy person can die of compression of the neck and yet mr. floyd was not completely healthy person as evidence by the autopsy. the medical medical examiner is
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primarily answering questions based on what he saw at the time of the autopsy verses what dr. tobin, answering a different question of what he's witnessing on the video. >> before we go, prosecution is close to wrapping its case. i would imagine that's the case. they made their point again and again with so many witnesses. >> so again, i think the most vital piece of evidence in this case is that video footage. it is incredibly emotional and compelling to sway a jury and the other thing that it has done is we witnessed in realtime unprecedented crumbling of the blue wall of silence where we had an unprecedented number of training officers and police chief not only distanced himself from the use of force in this case but they essentially have gone out and testified against their own officer. this does not typically happen
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in these types of cases. >> no, it does not as you point out. >> one after another. >> thank you so much, i appreciate your time. matt gaetz is about to face another investigation as he gives his first public speech tonight, a speech he's choosing to give since we learned of his federal probe and sex trafficking. some people received the astrazeneca vaccine could be offered a totally different vaccine and a totally different technology. britain in a state of national mourning after the death of prince phillips, the husband of queen elizabeth. jeff's been to the bottom of the ocean. the tops of mountains. and wherever this guy runs off to. a life well lived should continue at home. with home instead care, older adults can stay home, safe, and happy. home instead. to us, it's personal.
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[sfx: psst psst] allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! all good right now matt gaetz giving his first public speech since we all learned he's under investigation by the justice department which is looking into where he had sexual relationship with a minor. an investigation began under president trump and attorney general bill barr. live picture of gaetz right now. his office today again denied all allegations. we are learning that gaetz is adding big names to his defense
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team. so randy, obviously, he chosen to speak out amidst all of this. many attorneys are saying that's the worse thing you can do but what is he saying? >> reporter: he's here for a save america summit. the theme is barbecue, boots and blue grass. he's the headliner, here is some of the things he said right at the top. he thanked his fiance and told her he loves her with all his heart and what's been going on in the [ music playing ] f news for days. he says he's not going anywhere and this past week had been full of encouragement. he's built for battle and he's not going to back down from these wild conspiracy theories. he also said he won't be ex
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torted by former doj officials. >> it is fair to point out. the investigation began under president trump and bill barr. so what are you learning, randy of his new defense team. he hired some expensive and serious attorneys and what about new evidence? >> yes, he added a couple of new york lawyers to his team. he also represents the trump organization. gaetz also added isabella kushner. matt has always been a fighter and he's going to fight back against unfounded allegations. he mentioned this new evidence about the bahamas. we are told from the source telling cnn that federal investigators are looking into a
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trip that matt gaetz and others took to the bahamas. they are looking at whether or not where women were paid to travel for sex with matt gaetz and others. this would be a potential federal crime. cbs news first to report this and they did get a statement from his office that representative gaetz did not pay for sex with an under age girl. this all started with a blairing headline and now what they're calling a fishing exercise. >> randy, thank you very much. i appreciate it. elie honig, a lot to ask you here. there are new evidence and other evidence we are getting today. i want to start with the addition no gaetz's legal team. i know you worked with one of the new members, what does this hire tells isn't it true. >> so it tells me despite his public posture of being utterly
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unconcerned. matt gaetz is taking this case seriously. mark was my supervisor. he's tenacious and he understands the process very well. he'll go to trial. he's not cheap. isabel kushner is a veteran lawyer. he's buckling up for war here. >> it is not going to be easy and quick because what he says publicly to your point of all of this fishing and whatever of course is not true because of things we do know are quite disturbing and he'll have to address and deal with it. there are new reporting from the daily beast about that. they're reporting of three transactions from gaetz to mr. greenberg who appears entering a plea deal possibly to turn on gaetz, his former friend that was involved in these where him.
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the next morning after gaetz sends greenberg three transactions. greenberg transferred the same total to three women. what more do investigators need to prove that gaetz is guilty of violating the law. >> that's an interesting piece of evidence. it is a starting point. the key question is going to be this person you referenced joel greenberg who appears to be cooperating against matt gaetz. attorney outside the courthouse says that. if greenberg is cooperating. explain this transaction, were there others like it and why? it seems unlike this would be the only transaction. where can i fiend other records? did he pay you by cash or paypal or by other means.
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that's what you do and you find other evidence to back them up. that's how you build a case. >> it is surprising amidst all of this that gaetz would give a public speech tonight. it is one thing to deny something and another to go out and run your mouth. let me play a little bit of what he said. >> this past week had been full of encouragement, from president trump to marjorie taylor greene and to the nation that shares so much love. i have not yet begun to fight for the country i love and the nation that i know benefits from america's first principles. i am built for the battle and i am not going anywhere. this smear against me ranged from distortion of my personal life to wild and i mean whield conspiracy theories. >> you know when he did an
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interview with tucker carlson. it was a disturbed tucker carlson saying "that was one of the strangest interview i have ever done." is it smart for him to do this? > >> the first piece of advice any attorneys will give to matt gaetz is shut up. he's not the kind to shut up type. he'll make staples on that show that'll haunt him. there was a woman. whoa, tucker, you and i had dinner with her. he may earned tucker carlson a subpoena. if i am watching that interview, well, carlson appears to have dinner with matt gaetz and some woman of interests, i may have questions for tucker carlson. >> elie, thank you very much. i want to go to congresswoman
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hill. gaetz defended you at the time congresswoman hill. this is important. let me ask you about the ethics committee opening an investigation into gaetz. do the allegation fit with anything you have heard or suspected him to be in. >> well, look clearly i have a history of trusting men i should not. i any any criticism of my character assessment is warranted. i didn't know that in the past matt had opposed revenge for florida. i didn't know it at the time. i didn't hear any of him sharing new messages. i have to wonder what his motives were when he defended me back then and knowing that these accusations are coming up.
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we have been advocating to make revenge porn a credible crime. that was passed by the house which matt gaetz voted against. i think this is a classic example of where men's behavior is just far and away differently than women is and even by the length of time it took the ethics committee opening up an investigation into both matt and tom reed. we see the double standards that work everywhere. i am hopeful accountability is you know taken. >> i want to mention for anyone who does not remember what case you were referring to. the reporting from multiple sources that congressman gaetz would even on the floor of the house show pictures of women that he slept with which of nude
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images of them to other elected people in congress. i want people to understand that reporting. let me ask you katie, gaetz mentioned you in his op-ed earlier this week. i defended representative katy hills when her own democratic colleagues didn't. i didn't think it was anyone's business. at the time of your scandal, he was defending you but let me ask you the first question here. how do you feel about him envoc invoking your name now in his defense. >> i think it is gross. every motive for him defending me and i wrote about this in my op-ed. at the time it meant a lot and at the time i felt alone, i didn't have the defense from my own democratic colleagues and
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the fact that he spoke out for me was -- had an impact. knowing now that could have been because he was trying to cover up for his own discretion and being able to use my name and invoke that defense later on is gross. and especially we know investigations were going on way back then. i am you know -- it is gross. i do -- i do and i am not proud of my, you know, history. >> i think everyone can understand why at the time when everyone is coming after you. if someone comes to your defense, you embrace that. we can understand it on a human level. in that context, the worldc coms after you but right now only two republican os on the hill had former support. in terms of coming after him and saying he should resign, only congressman adam kissinger.
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>> one calling him for resign is ridiculous. these are claims that he had sex with under age girls and multiple crimes and him showing pictures on the house floor may not be illegal but they should be illegal. it is disgusting. this is a perfect example of when the gop is just completely hypocriteical hypocritical. for him to be sharing them and gop members of congress to be the ones coming forward anonymously because they think they lack courage and not have reported for this long. it shows you that there is no
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element of justice or truth fairness or equality between the different parties and especially when it comes to women and men. >> all right, i appreciate your time, thank you very much. thanks for having me. next, michigan now leads the nation in new covid cases. the governor is called for more vaccines. vaccines diverted there and going unanswered by the biden administration. he's crucial to pass biden's $2 trillion plan, why is he not on the guest list for bipartisan's sit-down on the plan? ll w to reach them. so she'll get some help from fidelity, and she'll feel so good about her plan, she can focus on living it. that's the planning effect, from fidelity.
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reiner. these are all described mild. the sound mild, does the news out of georgia concerns you at all? >> no, not at all. we know very well conducted phase three trial and over 43,000 patients that this vaccine is very safe. you will see minor reactions. that's .6%, very much in line of what we see in the clinical trials. the cdc has a way to monitor it so i am not concerned at all. >> johnson & johnson have been saying blood clot is not relating to the vaccine. in case of astrazeneca of blood clotting issue causing the country to stop for the vaccine and now they're scrambling on alternatives.
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in france today the health minister proposed a solution that anyone under 55 who had one shot of astrazeneca can get moderna and pfizer for the second. okay, choose your own adventure. those are different technologies than astrazeneca, there is no completed studies on doing this. so as of now, this is contra to known science. this applies to millions of people. what's your reaction? >> i think it is a gross over reaction. the issue with the astrazeneca, there has been 200 episodes of clotting out of 34 million vaccinations. some of the clotting events are kind of rare. whether in circumstances this vaccine is particularly can cause clots which may be common to young people. splitting vaccine doses between two different vaccines -- we don't know whether it is
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effective or whether it is safe. and in an environment with more variant you really want to know the vaccine you are getting is going to promote the production of more variants. >> it is really stunning, right? the vaccine is proven safe and effective. let me ask you about michigan seeing a surge in cases here. governor whitmer pleaded to president biden. >> i made a case, at this point not being deployed but i am not giving up. today is michigan and the midwest. tomorrow could be another section of our country. >> reporter: president biden pulled the response coordinator saying it is not fair or e
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equitable to other states. >> cases of michigan is up 87% in the last two weeks which accounts for most of the increase in the united states. it is not the same all over the country. in the northeast is pretty much flat and in the southeast cases are down 11%. we need to surge both vaccines and strike team to give vaccines to michigan. it is not equal with the united states, we need to go to michigan with more vaccine. >> dr. reiner, thank you always. >> my pleasure. next, one of the few things obama and trump agree on. >> behind us stands the bridge, it is in such poor condition. >> replacing the bridge. >> both failed to do it. can biden succeed? >> plus the world is mourning
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as we continue to return to classrooms... parents like me want to make sure we're doing it safely. especially in the underserved communities hardest hit by covid. trust me, no one wants to get back to classroom learning more than teachers like me. using common sense safety measures like masks, physical distancing, and proper ventilation. safety is why we're prioritizing vaccinations for educators. because together, we all have a responsibility to do our part. and together, we will get through this, safely. new tonight president biden trying to sell his $2 trillion plan. the white house does not know if the meeting will include joe
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manchin, it is as must-have vote for biden. jeff zeleny is out front. >> reporter: this is the face of america's failing infrastructure. it is the brent bent bridge. for years it has been a political football. >> it has been batted around by both parties for a long time. the need is now. >> reporter: at hill top concrete, a front row seat to a trail of those broken promises. >> we had president obama speak here almost ten years ago about the need for the bridge and nothing has happened. >> behind us, the bridge that's in such poor condition that's labeled obsolete. >> reporter: the obama's plan
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failed in congress. >> what a promise. replacing the bridge. >> reporter: do you like that? it is critical to the region. >> it is extremely frustrating. we have gone through multiple presidents, president trump and president obama and now president biden, we are hoping something will get done. >> reporter: president biden's proposal is bigger and further going beyond bridges and roads. >> the highway of bridge. this is not rational. >> reporter: biden's $2 trillion american jobs plan calling for much more, 400 billion to increase wages for those who care for the elderly. to pay for it, biden wants the raise a corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%, a propose alproposa. what's more problematic in it right now? the definition of infrastructure or how it is proposed to the
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finance? >> well, both, for the president to start off with tax increases who knows that's a non-starter for most republicans. >> reporter: senator brown and other democrats say majority of americans support raising tactics but above all wants congress to act. >> it is the bill that's going to need the crying needs of generation of rebuilding our country. >> reporter: it is a critical test not only for biden's agenda but for the government's delivery on its promises. now more than twice as many crossing including trucks carrying $1.1 trillion worth of freight daily and causing traffic jams and fiery crashes like this one. >> we have been promised that it will be pushed across. people understand today better than they ever have how vulnerable the economy is. >> reporter: the gridlock is bad
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for business. he likes what's in biden's infrastructure bill and paying for it, maybe something companies have to swallow. >> i am not a big proponent of tax increases but the bridge needs to be built. >> reporter: this bridge must be fixed, the question is how to pay for it? that's why president biden is getting those series of meetings at the white house with lawmakers on both parties. >> thank you very much. how the world is honoring the life and deep legacy of prince phillips who has died at the age of 99. and a powerful story how one mother took down the kkk after her son was murdered. the first 100 days brought to you by carvana -- the new way to
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he was 99. former president obama paying tribute praising his extraordinary example writing prince phillip showed the world what it meant to be a supportive husband to a powerful woman and found a way to lead without demanding the spotlight. bionca is "outfront". >> reporter: tonight, the end of an era in the royal family. prince phillip, the duke passing away today at the age of 99. the man who stood restby the sif queen elizabeth, ii lies at windsor castle. he saw the try jiumphs of the family that experienced great tragedy. the palace said it's with deep sorrow the majesty her queen announces the death of her husband. the children, grand great children can say good-byes.
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the pretty british prime minister had high praise. >> like the expert carriage driver he was, he helped to steer the royal family and the monarchry so it remains an institution undisputedly vital to the balance and happiness of our national life. >> reporter: crowds gathered at both london residences, windsor and buckingham palace. >> he was a big symbol for a lot of people in england. >> i have dope respect for the queen. i love her. i think she's a wonderful woman and i'm very sad for her today because she's lost her life partner. >> reporter: his death while a shock was not unexpected. in march, the duke left hospital following a month's stay where he under went heart surgery. he left in high spirits, eyes fixed on his 100th birthday. since marrying queen elizabeth in 1947 he left a mark on many public figures he met including
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a host of u.s. presidents, eisenhower, ford, kennedy and obama. president biden whom phillip never met personally praised the duke's decades of devoted public service adding his legacy will live on. condolences flooded in from around the world. the question of harry and meghan attending the funeral will attract attention but for now they posted this message, thank you for your service. you will be greatly missed. as funeral arrangements are made for the next few days, flags will be lowered and a book of condolences opened. the nation will mourn with her majesty the queen at the loss of her beloved husband. erin, funeral plans that have been years in the making and carefully designed by buckingham palace have been drastically altered to compile with the covid-19 restrictions here in the united kingdom. the military procession and
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laying in state have been abandoned all together and only 30 people will be able to attend the funeral. while we were expecting thousands to line the streets. though the smaller affair maybe feels such a towering figure in british public life, it is more to the duke of eden burro's taste as he described himself as someone that didn't like the pomp and bpageantry. how one incredible woman took down the kkk after her son was murdered.
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on march 21st, 1981 the body of michael donald was found hanging from a tree. it generated fear and outrage and the black community believed it was the ku klux klan. michael michael's mother fought for justice and took the kla flrks to court and took them down and her story is "the people versus the klan" on c nnn this weekend
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>> the hurt is still there. i just visualize her face. i don't want to talk about it. she was a quiet woman. all the neighborhoods that we lived in, everybody loved her. >> "the people versus the klan" premieres sunday night at 9:00. "ac 360" starts now. good evening. the tenth day of witness testimony in the derek chauvin murder trial may prove to be one of the most important. two physicians including the medical examiner that performed an autopsy and ruled it a homicide, a pivotal moment for a defense that rests in large part on trying to create doubt in the mind of one juror about the factors that actually contributed to george